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Efficient volume reduction of cardboard boxes with our EKZ1800

Currently 70% of all materials such as cardboard, paper and cardboard are recycled. According to the German Packaging Act (VerpackG), even 90% of it should be recycled by 2022 (source: VerpackG §16, paragraph 2). This makes the carton an environmentally friendly packaging solution.

Paper and cardboard are valuable raw materials that play a major role in recycling and waste management. Because the pulp is easy to recycle, paper can be recycled economically and in an environmentally friendly manner.

Before cartons are pressed into bales and then defibred, it is even more cost-efficient to reduce and shred the material in advance. This volume reduction step will be carried out in recycling companies as well as in recycling centers or cardboard and corrugated cardboard factories. For these requirements, we´ve developed our cardboard shredder EKZ.

The EKZ has two shafts with independent drives: a fast-running breaking shaft and a slow-running feeding shaft. The feeding shaft feeds the carton to the breaking shaft, which shreds the cartons into the desired unit size. Even fruit crates, Styrofoam packaging and other types of packaging process the machines without any problem.

In addition to the standard configuration as a stand-alone machine with manual loading or conveyor belt loading, the carton shredder EKZ can also be installed in combination with press containers.

Do you also need an efficient shredding solution for your cardboard waste? No problem, we will be happy to help you!

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